Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School's out. . .

. . . so now there's time on my hands.

At first, I thought, "This is great!  I'm going to read all day long, sleep as late as possible, go shopping in the mornings, take a nap whenever I want, watch a movie in the middle of the day, have lunch out with friends, write . . . . " The possibilities were endless.

But today the house was a little empty feeling.  I felt aimless.  Yet I'd look at the clock as it ticked away the minutes and I'd think, use this precious time!  Read!  Do the laundry!  Do the projects you wanted to do!

It was like a race to hurry up and use the time you always wanted . . . and it's taken some adjusting.

But I think what I'm discovering as I get used to my new freedom is that there is a lot of time for my bible study.  The pleasures that are found there are countless.  The verse that talks about God's Word being alive continually rolls around in my mind . . . (Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.)  That means that the last book you read might have been awesome, but it wasn't living and active and able to penetrate your soul.

Yeah . . . so chew on that for a minute.   And see if you don't pick up your Bible and test it out, like I did.

We are blessed -- Teresa

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