Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

What a great day this was at my house.

I happen to be married to an awesome man who has made a great dad.  Not perfect -- he'll be the first one to tell you that.  But he's a wonderful father -- his girls will confirm it.

But I realize that not everyone is so fortunate.

My own dad was a pleasure to me, but sometimes I had to work hard to understand his silences and not mistake it for criticism.  I've missed him in the sixteen years he's been gone.  Once again, not a perfect dad by any means.  But he was my dad, and I loved him.  And what an awesome grandfather he was to my girls.  One of the best I've ever seen.

I shudder when I think of an emotional, early-teenage conversation I had with Daddy where I tearfully told him that I wanted him to be like other dads, who talked to their kids' friends and were outgoing to everyone.  He told me he'd try to be more like that . . . and when I think back, he was.  But who can dissolve their own introverted nature? It breaks my heart to think that I burdened him with that request.

I guess we all have regrets as children, like we do as parents.  But I hope that this day, this Father's Day, brings happy thoughts and memories of your dad.  But like I said earlier, I know that's not the case with everyone.

If your earthly father is not someone you can recall with fondness, I urge you to think beyond that father to the one who placed you on this earth, your heavenly Father.  "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons (or daughters) of God." Romans 8:14.

You are blessed -- Teresa

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