Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The question to ask

In my adult life, I've had some bumps and hurdles.  Some were little bitty bumps, some were great big mountain-looking hurdles.  Each time I've had those bumps and hurdles in my path, I've asked, "Why, God?"  And God lets me say it.  Because he's big enough to take my anger, my screaming, my yelling, my bitter tears, and my eventual remorse and confession.

But each time I get past my obstacle and on down the road, I look back at what I've been through and marvel at what God did.

Not at the trial that He allowed.

I marvel at the blessings He worked through the messiness of my life.  I wonder at the beauty that He brought from the ashes of the horrible situation.  I praise Him for the way He showed Himself loyal to me even when I was not loyal to Him.

What a loving God.

I marvel, too, that I ever asked why.  What I should have asked was, how can I know you better through this, Lord?  What will you make me through this?  Who do you want me to become?

I can ask all kinds of questions, but in hindsight,  WHY is the least important.  Because who really cares why?

Isaiah 26:4 says,"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal."

Be blessed in Him -- Teresa

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