Friday, April 22, 2011


You know when God whispers in your mind?  Those thoughts that just won't go away . . . you know you should do something, say something to someone, and even when you try to put it out of your mind, it just won't go away.  That's probably God whispering, "I want you to do this."

Well, he started whispering to me yesterday.  He told me to give a message to one of my friends: stay away from a certain person who was causing turmoil and strife.  I didn't see my friend yesterday, so I tried to blow it off -- it was probably just my overactive imagination.

I should have known better.  God is persistent.  Especially when it involves his beloved children.

The message was loud and clear this morning.  In fact, it kind of freaked me out.  I prayed for my friend's safety as I drove to work, and I felt such urgency to speak with her that the moment I saw her I stopped in my path and asked if we could talk privately.  When I told her that God wanted me to tell her to stay away from this person, she wasn't surprised.  She nodded and said, "Wow.  That's just confirmation.  You're the third person to tell me that very same thing."

God used me to assure her that it was most certainly his will for her to avoid this harmful person.  What would have happened if I had not obeyed the Lord's prompting?  Maybe nothing, but maybe something catastrophic.  Thankfully I'll never wonder.

Or worse, hate myself for not delivering a very important message.

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