Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I always listen to worship music on the way to work and try to pray for my kids, my husband, the day. . . you know -- life.  I've got my Ipod set to a worship playlist that keeps getting longer and longer every month.  But something weird happened a couple days ago, and it happened again today.

My "shuffled" playlist kept returning to a certain song both days, within five or so minutes of each other.  The song was "God is Able".

The first time I heard it repeated, I thought, Hmmm.  That's weird.  Did I have that set right?

I did.  The song wasn't looped, and the playlist was still on shuffle.  Weird.

Then it replayed as I neared my school.  -- What?  I'm hearing this song for a third time in thirty minutes?  How can that be?

And then I thought about the words:  God is with us, God is on our side, He will make a way... our God is able.

Ohhh.....yeah.  I hear you, Lord.

He knew how tense I was.  He knew how I needed to give everything to Him.

Because I sure can't handle my burdens.

But He is able.


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