Monday, July 25, 2011

Pure worship

Sometimes my daughter's childlike joy in her Father leaves me speechless.  Like last night.

Kristen, Rick and I went with our youngest daughter, Sarah, to her church in her college town.  The worship was just that -- worshipful.  Kristen was by my side, clinging to my arm, not able to read the words on the screen, but fully a part of the mood of the room, excited by what she was witnessing.  At times I would turn to her, especially on repetitive parts of the songs, and sing so that maybe she would sing along, but she didn't.  She would smile into my eyes with a huge, toothy smile and nod.  Her delight added to my own worship experience.

And then came the song, The Stand.  I love that song.  If done right, it's so moving, so climactic and says exactly what my heart wants to tell the Lord.  That I stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the one who gave it all.  I shifted Kristen's tight hold of my right arm and I grasped her hand with my left one, because I knew I wanted to raise my arm when I sang those words.

The church sang the song quietly, reverently, the college kids around us raising their hands, nodding, praying, gently rocking to the crescendoing beat of the anthem.  The chorus finally arrived, and I raised my arm as I sang the words, and beside me Kristen joyfully, wordlessly, raised her arm high as well.

I looked at her to see if she did this to mimic me, or what -- and was surprised.  She had so much joy on her face.   She looked at me, her smile so big and her posture uninhibited, as if saying, isn't this great?  Tears sprang to my eyes.  This was pure worship.  She did not sing the words, but she took it all in and the words reverberated in her soul.

I couldn't sing the words, either.  I could only whisper them and be grateful for the gift of this special adult child who allows me to see little glimpses of heaven at times like this.

 I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to you surrendered
All I am is yours

(Hillsong United)

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